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Q: What is true about all of the substances you labeled molecules?
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What do all the substances labeled aq have in common?

They are all dissolved in water.

Do all diatomic substances have covalent bonds?

All diatomic substances have covalent bonds even diatomic metal molecules such as sodium molecules (>2000 K).

What are the properties of cis molecules?

Cis molecules have the properties of all substances but of course the values are different for cis and trans.

Why is it that the least dense of all substances is gas?

The molecules are farther apart in a gas.

The primary substances of which all other things are composed are elements or molecules?

The primary substances of which all other things are composed are known as elements.

The sum of all chemical reactions in the body where simpler molecules are combined into more complex substances and where more complex substances are broken down into smaller molecules releasing ener?

I suppose that you think to metabolism.

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Does heat change all substances?

It depends on what change this is. If this is visible change, it may not be detected. Otherwise, heat does change substances in terms of kinetic energy of molecules in a body or average distance between the molecules of the body.

Is gas molecules are in constant motion but molecules in liquid and soilds are it true?

Not true. gas molecules move more rapidly, but all molecules have SOME movement at any temperature above absolute zero.

Do atoms or molecules in solids have no motion?

solids have molecules that move until they reach a temperature called true zero where all atomic movement stops. true zero is a relly cold temperature

Is it true carbon is a componet of almost all biological substances?

Carbon is present in all organic substances, which is why we are called 'carbon-based lifeforms'.

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