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It is cold..

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Q: What is true about an ocean current moving towards the equator?
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What is true about an ocean current that moves toward the equator?

An ocean current that is moving toward the equator has the same effects as those of a geostrophic current.

Is an ocean current moving from the equator toward a pole warm?


Where do cold water currents begin?

if a current originates near the poles and flows towards the equator, it will be colder than all the water it meets. Hence it will be a cold current. ...conversely, if it originates near the equator and flows towards the pole, it will be warmer than the water it meets and be a warm current. In a Short Summary Cold Ocean Currents Originate From The Poles And Warm Ocean Currents Originate From The Equator

Where do ocean current flow near to?


Ocean currents moving away from the equator bring what waters?

Ocean currents moving away from the equator bring warm waters.

What is true about ocean currents moving toward the equator?

It is cold..

what percentage of ocean is there at forty degrees south latitude?

The percentage of ocean there is at forty degrees South latitude is unknown. However, the surface ocean currents are those same exact coordinates flow northward towards the equator. The closest ocean current to this would be the West Australian Current.

What is an ocean current?

A moving stream of water in the ocean

In the Arctic or Antarctic the land is poleward and the ocean is towards the equator?


Which ocean current carries cool water toward earth equator?

Pacific ocean

What is a warm current that originates near the equator?

the surface of the ocean

What is a water current?

A water current is moving water flowing through an ocean like a river.