

What is true of axons?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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Q: What is true of axons?
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In myelinated axons, the voltage gated sodium ions are located along the nodes of Ranvier, the exposed places between the myelin segments. The gates here, however, are not particularly more concentrated than on other un-myelinated axons. TRUE

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Nerves are like trees. The have branches call axons.

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Axons from the olfactory nerve project directly to the

What is another name for Myelinated axons?

In preserved brains, the myelinated axons look white. Therefore, what we call "white matter" is typically made of axons.

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Why is there fat coating around the dendrites and axons?

The fat coating around the dendrites and axons is to insulate them.

What iscomposed of lipid material and covers axons?

The myelin sheath is composed of lipid material and covers axons.

What is the bundle of axons called in the CNS?

Axons and dendrites that go to or from the same region of the body travel together in bundles, somewhat like telephone cables. A nerve is a bundle of axons and/or dendrites in the PNS. A bundle of axons and/or dendrites in the CNS is called a tract.for more info see link below