

What is turned by moving water to generate electricity?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What is turned by moving water to generate electricity?
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Related questions

What part of a power plant is turned by moving water?

The turbine, to generate electricity.

Which energy flow uses the flow of moving water to generate electricity?

You question is meaningless but the use of moving water to generate electricity is called 'Hydroelectricity'.

Which energy source uses the flow of moving water to generate electricity?

electricity from water is called hydro - or hydroelectric power

How can water be used to supply power?

Moving water can turn a water mill which can grind corn, cut wood or even pump water.Moving water can also spin electricity turbines and generate electricity in hydroelectric dams, or in rivers and tidal races.

What apparatus are needed to generate hydro-electricity?

Moving water (dams, rivers, tides) and turbines (like an electric motor in reverse) that will produce electricity when the moving water spins them round.

What is Hydroelectric power?

Moving water can be used to generate electricity in hydroelectric power stations.

Can moving Water be used to generate electricity?

Technically speaking, the molecular movement of water and how fast the molecules vibrate, the energy of that can be captured and the form of energy can be used to generate electricity. They use the hoover dam to do that.

How do you power machinery with hydropower?

A paddle wheel or turbine is turned by the moving water (the kinetic energy). This can be connected by a system of gears, wheels or even pulleys to turn a machine. This was how grain was ground into flour. After electricity was understood, the water spins turbines which generate electricity, and this electricity is used to run machines.

Why is moving water not commonly used to generate electricity?

A lot of water and pressure is needed to create a small amount of electricity. In many places, its not a viable solution.

Explain two ways that moving water can be used to generate electricity?

Moving water can be exploited for electric generation by multiple methods. Hydroelectric generation from dams can use turbines to harness water driven mechanical energy. Prototype methods include harvesting the energy of water currents and waves to generate electricity.

How could the island generate electricity?

the island generate electricity from sae water

A turbine that generates electricity when turned by moving water provides what?

it provides hydro - or hydroelectric power.