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Q: What is two ways that the federal government tried to regulate business in the late S's?
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The policy under which the government tried to sever all federal ties with the Native Americans?


These powers are not stated in the constitution but are hinted at by the necessary and proper clause in article1?

Federal System Of Government--NovaNET I just tried that answer and got it wrong it says it is implied powers

Which abolitionist tried to seize a federal armory on behalf of his cause?

John Brown in Harpers Ferry tried to seize a federal armory on behalf of his cause.

Why was confederation created after revolution?

The states tried to retain control for themselves by leaving the central government practically powerless, but this caused problems between states. That is why the Articles of Confederation were abandoned and the Constitutional Convention called to create a more powerful federal government that balanced the authority of the states.

The term federal government refers to a central and national government true or false?

ANSWERfalse.. a federal government refers to the government of a group of federated political entities. A federal government would therefore have a distributed, rather than centralized, structureANSWERTechnically False ... and the previous explanation is incorrect, describing a confederacy or confederation as opposed to a federal government. The U.S. tried in 1781 to operate as a confederation, with power distributed among the states, but it worked poorly and created as many problems as it resolved.In 1788 the U.S. Constitution was created, setting up a federal government where powers were divided between the individual states and a central national government with strong authority in certain specified areas.During and after the 1861 Civil War, the national government's powers were greatly increased and the powers of the states decreased, and the trend has more slowly continued since then.One of the reasons for this is the Constitutional provision that the national government has authority over interstate commerce. Since there is very little that happens in just one state, whenever the national government wants to overturn states' rights and assume national control, it declares the subject a matter of interstate commerce and takes control. Proponents of states' rights would like to see the interstate commerce clause removed from the U.S. Constitution.I said "technically false" since there is an ever-growing trend to refer to the U.S. national government as the "federal government"; so a case could be made that in the U.S.A., the term "federal government" has come to refer to the national government in everyday speech, even though the term is academically incorrect.

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What commission tried to regulate business for the public good?

The commission that tried to regulate business for the public good was that there are too many existing from many different time periods and from different regions of the world, be specific!

The policy under which the government tried to sever all federal ties with the Native Americans?


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It could be either. If interstate commerce is even remotely involved, the federal government can claim jurisdiction, but unless the crime was committed on federal government property, the state may prosecute if the US does not.

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The Federal Reserve tried to regulate margin loans to gain control of margin requirements for stocks bought on margin. Regulation T gives the Federal Reserve the authority to change the percentage of the initial margin requirement for margin stock. Since 1974 the Federal Reserve has not deemed it necessary to adjust the margin requirement

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They Tried to convince them by saying that the new government would not overpower the states

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The Federalists Papers tried to reassure Americans that the new federal government would not over power the states.

What did Jefferson do to reduce the power of the government?

Jefferson did many things to try to reduce the power of the Federal government. He tried to cut federal budget and reduce federal debt. He decreased the size of government departments. Jefferson decreased the size of the government departments and prompted laissez-faire policies in economic affairs. Then he asked Congress to repeal the whiskey tax.

What was the Wilsonian law that tried to curb business monopoly while permitting labor and agricultural organization?

the federal trade comission act

What was created in the US government's first attempt to exercise increased control and oversight over American businesses and industries in the late 1800s?

One of the ways in which the federal government tried to regulate business in the late 1800's was by the Interstate Commerce Act. The Interstate Commerce act stopped the railroads from price gouging. The second way is the by the Sherman Act. The Sherman Act prevented price fixing and monopolies.

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District of Columbia