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The stomach acid is so strong, it can burn a hole in a rug. It can do the same to the esophagus as the chyme comes up and out of the stomach.

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Q: What is typical health risks for people with bulimia?
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What are the health risks of gay people?

Gay people have exactly the same health risks as straight people. Being gay does not give different health risks.

When people watch what they eat and exercise what disease risks are lowered?

bulimia anorexia diabetes and anemia

What are the risks of bulimia?

There are many, DON'T DO IT. ...and it's gross.

Which is not a health risk for people with bulimia?

Bulimics do not run any health risks by gaining weight. An eating disorder called bulimia is characterised by episodes of binge eating followed by repressive actions such purging, overdoing it physically, or fasting. Due to their purging habits, bulimics may be at a healthy weight or even be underweight. Although they don't gain weight, those who have bulimia still run the danger of developing major health problems like electrolyte imbalance, irregular heartbeat, and tooth and gum damage from provoking vomiting.

Would you consider eating disorder problems such as anorexia and bulimia to be as serious as the problem of obesity?

Yes. All forms of eating disroders can cause serious health risks.

What are the causes of risks in health and safety?

People not caring about Health and Safety.

What are the health risks of bulimia?

i have a cousin who was bulimic and it might be different for other people, but she had more psychological side effects than physical...she ripped her hair out and is really antsy all the time...she went to the hospital for a while and is getting better, but it will take a while for her to recover

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Deranged people in bad need of meds.

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There are no health risks of epoxy glue,unless you ingest it.

What are the health risks associated with gay relationships?

Note: this question is asking about the health risks of relationships, and not the health risks of sexual practices.There are no specific health risks associated with gay relationships. There are only health risks associated with unsafe sex (of any orientation), and there are health risks that stem from domestic abuse (of any orientation)Gay relationships are just as healthy as straight relationships. They have been shown in many studies to promote the psychological well being of the partners.Married couples (gay or straight) tend to live longer than single people, and suffer from fewer bouts of depression and anxiety.

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I don't have 5 health risks but I do have one.. Gum Disease.