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Undead in Greek is :

  • νεκροζώντανος necrozontanos living dead
  • απέθαντος apethantos the one that does not perish
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Undead in Japanese?

Oftentimes, the undead, ghosts, and malignant fantastical denizens of Japan will be classified as Yōma (妖魔). However, undead can also bleed into the sense of "undying" or "immortal" with the word Fushi (不死).

What is undead in Latin?

non mortuus

What does undead mean?

Undead is a collective name for beings that are supernatural (i.e. zombies, ghosts, and vampires). The undead appear to be deceased, yet behave as if they're alive. The undead are featured in the legends of many cultures and in many works of fantasy and horror fiction.

What is the word 'undead' when translated from English to Japanese?

Oftentimes, the undead, ghosts, and malignant fantastical denizens of Japan will be classified as Yōma (妖魔). However, undead can also bleed into the sense of "undying" or "immortal" with the word Fushi (不死). Calling a creature undead would fall more closely under the generic monstrous category implied by the former; the latter would be more of a qualifier, such as 不死の悪魔 (fushi no akuma; "un[dying/dead] demon/monster/evil spirit").

What is the Italian translation of the English word 'undead'?

Non morta in the feminine and non morto in the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English word "undead".Specifically the adverb non means "not". The feminine adjective/noun/pronoun morta and the masculine mortotranslate as "dead". The pronunciation will be "nohn MOHR-tah" in the feminine and "nohn MOHR-toh" in the masculine.

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