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Wire chambers

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Q: What is used to detect trajectories of nuclear particles using charged wires?
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What is it called when particles dissolve here and you detect smells?

When particles dissolve in the air and you detect smells, it is called olfaction. Olfaction is the sense of smell, where specialized receptor cells in the nasal cavity are activated by airborne molecules, allowing you to perceive different scents.

What is the same and difference between a cloud chamber and a bubble chamber?

A cloud chamber and a bubble chamber are both particle detectors used in physics experiments to track the paths of charged particles. The main difference is in how they visualize the particles: a cloud chamber uses alcohol vapor to create visible tracks while a bubble chamber uses superheated liquid to form bubbles along the particle's path. Both chambers are valuable tools for studying the behavior of subatomic particles.

Where is americium 241 most often found?

Americium-241 is most commonly found in smoke detectors, where it is used as a source of ionizing radiation to detect smoke particles in the air. It is also found in some industrial gauges and devices used in the oil and gas industry. Additionally, it can be present in some radioactive waste generated by nuclear reactors.

Do smoke detectors detect weed smoke?

Smoke detectors are designed to detect the presence of smoke particles in the air, regardless of what is causing the smoke. This means that smoke detectors may detect weed smoke, as it is still smoke in the air. However, the sensitivity of the detector and the specific composition of the weed smoke may affect how quickly and reliably it is detected.

What objects has the element californium in them?

Californium is not commonly found in everyday objects as it is a highly radioactive synthetic element produced in nuclear reactors. It is primarily used for scientific research purposes, such as in neutron sources for neutron radiography and in nuclear reactors for studying nuclear reactions.

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What was the purpose of the fluorescent screen in rutherfords experiment?

detect charged particles

What is used to detect nuclear particles as a visible path of droplets?

Why were protons found before nuetrons?

It is far easier to detect charged particles -- they interact with matter to a much greater extent.

Used to detect nuclear particles as a visible path of droplets?

A cloud chamber is a commonly used apparatus for detecting nuclear particles, as the particles leave visible trails of droplets behind as they pass through the chamber. This allows scientists to observe and study the pathways and properties of these particles.

What are the role of cathode tubes in atom?

cathode tubes were used to detect the particle in an atom & found that negatively charged particles(electrons) are there in an atom.

What is alpha particle detector and what is the application of bjt in alpha particle detector?

An alpha particle detector is a device used to detect the presence of alpha particles, which are relatively massive and charged particles emitted during radioactive decay. A Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) can be used in an alpha particle detector as a sensor element to detect the ionization caused by alpha particles passing through it. When an alpha particle ionizes the semiconductor material in the BJT, it can generate an electrical signal that can be measured to detect the presence of alpha particles.

What device can you use to detect radioactive particles?

Geiger counter.

What is a Geiger counters used for?

It is used to measure radiation and is commonly used to detect objects that produce nuclear radiation.

Describe with the help of diagram an instrument which can be used to detect a charged body?

A gold-leaf electroscope is an instrument used to detect a charged body. It consists of two thin gold leaves attached to a metal rod, all housed within a glass-walled container. When a charged body is brought close to the metal rod, the leaves will either repel or attract each other, indicating the presence and type of charge on the body.

Little bit of marijuana residue in your car can I be charged?

ANY amount of residue, if they search with a dog or a detector and detect it you could be charged

Do dosimeter badges detect any exposure to alpha particles when worn by radiation workers?

No, alpha particles will not be detected by dosimeter badges.

What is the role of immune electron microscopy in viral diseases?

can be used to detect and identify viral particles that have too low concentration to be detected using conventional electron microscopy. binding of antibodies to the viral particles makes them easier to detect.