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Q: What is used to separate music into measures?
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In music what is a bar?

A bar line is used to separate measures. A double bar line separates two secions, and its also used in key or tempo changes. when the beat drops, count 1-2-3-4, then 2-2-3-4, 3-2-3-4 and so on each one is a bar

What does barline mean in music?

They are used to seperate the divisions of time. The spaces in between the barlines are measures.

What is a Repeated measures design?

A repeated measures design is where the same participants are used in all measures. For instance, say you wanted to find how different music genres effect scores on a spelling test. You would have a participant do a spelling test while listening to one pieces of music. Then you would have them do another test while listening to a different piece of music, and so on.

What are the lines that separate measures in music?

The bar line is used to split sheet music into easier to read sections. How many beats in a bar is defined by the time signature, usually 4/4, meaning four crotchets (or quarter notes) to a bar. The 12 bar blues is a good way of hearing where each bar is, as the bassline melody repeats every bar.

What divides the music staff into measures?

Bar lines divide the staff into measures

What is repeatable a measurement is?

A repeated measures design is where the same participants are used in all measures. For instance, say you wanted to find how different Music Genres effect scores on a spelling test. You would have a participant do a spelling test while listening to one pieces of music. Then you would have them do another test while listening to a different piece of music, and so on.

What is the difference between an independent measures design and a repeated measures design?

A repeated measures design involves all participants being used for all possible setups. For example, if you were testing how different music genres effected performance on a spelling test, you would give each participant multiple spelling tests for each genre. Independent measures means that different participants are used for the different setups.

What symbol for coda?

In music, a coda be used in a few different ways. It is primarily used to designate a passage that brings a piece to an end. It could be as simple as a few measures, or as complex as an entire section.

What is the area called between the bar lines in music?

its called measures

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What is a single bar line mean in music?

In recorded music, a "Single" refers to a seven-inch record which only has two songs (or one, two-part song) instead of a twelve-inch "Long Play" (LP) record. "I just got a single from the record store." In played music, "Single" refers to: The guy without a girlfriend. "He is single, why don't you ask him out?"