

What is uses of cotton?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Long-staple cotton is for better-quality fabrics.

Short-staple cotton is for cheap garments, sheets, blankets and a mass of other goods for which there was a limtless market in 1861. The South was growing short-staple cotton.

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What are the uses of cotton?

cotton is used for making clothes

What are the uses of cotton cloth?

Cotton is not as warm or as water repellent as other fabrics.

What are the disadvantages of cotton?

It catches on fire easily. Cotton growing uses a lot of water.

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What are the uses for cotton?

For carnivals and other events.

Can cotton be an adverb?

No. It can be a noun or adjective, and colloquially a verb with two separate uses (cotton=approve,accept and cotton to=become aware of).

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The main uses for cotton rugs (which are most usually wool with designs on them) are that they are to be hung around one's home for decorative purposes.

Is cotton environmentally friendly?

no because growing it uses numerous pesticides which can pollute rivers and cause eutrophication. cotton agriculture also uses a lot of water.

How is the cotton fiber used in the future?

Sorry, our crystal ball is in the shoppe for repairs, so we are unable to predict future uses of cotton fibre. However, there are many uses of cotton known about today that will probably continue into the future.

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Irrigation and the cotton gin.