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Q: What is usually released in a combustion reaction?
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Is burning wood an example of an exergonic or endergonic reaction?

Yes, combustion is an example of an exergonic reaction. During combustion, energy is released- making it an exergonic reaction.

Is Combustion is an example of an exergonic reaction.?

Yes, combustion is an example of an exergonic reaction. During combustion, energy is released- making it an exergonic reaction.

What is the characteristic of combustion reaction?

Combustion is the description of the reaction that results when a substance burns when heat is applied fast enough. Usually combustion also cause a rapid expansion of gasses from the reaction.

After which reaction is CO2 released?

CO2 is released during cellular respiration, specifically during the citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) and oxidative phosphorylation stages in the mitochondria. This process involves the breakdown of glucose to generate ATP, with one of the byproducts being carbon dioxide.

What wold be produced in a combustion reaction?

After combustion water and carbon dioxide are released.

Why is combustion exothermic reaction?

because during combustion heat energy is released. for example the burning of carbon in air is a combustion reaction but in this process 393.7 K.J/mol energy is released

What are two characteristics of combustion reactions?

Combustion is the description of the reaction that results when a substance burns when heat is applied fast enough. Usually combustion also cause a rapid expansion of gasses from the reaction.

What type of reaction is usually involves a reactant that contains carbon and produces heat and light?


If you say 'oxygen gas supports combustion' are you talking about a chemical or physical reaction?

Combustion is a hemical reaction.

What is the characteristic of combustability?

Combustion is the description of the reaction that results when a substance burns when heat is applied fast enough. Usually combustion also cause a rapid expansion of gasses from the reaction.

What are two indicators that a combustion reaction has occurred?

energy is released and oxygen is consumed

What type of reaction is C3H8 plus O2 ----- CO2 plus H2O?

It is a combustion reaction, which is a reaction in which a substance combines with oxygen, releasing a large amount of energy in the form of light and heat.