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Q: What is usually the tensile strength of carpenter's nail?
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What is shear strength of a twelve penny nail?

650 foot/pounds

What is the Shear strength of a sixteen penny nail?

1636 ft pounds

What Is used to drive nails to fasten one board to another?

Most carpenters use a hammer to drive nails. Sometimes they will use a powered nail gun.

What is magnetising force?

it is the force experienced by a north pole of strength 'p' placed at a distance 'd' meters from another pole of strength 'm'in a medium of relative a steel nail there are these things called domains, in a weakly magnetized nail some of them will be pointing north, south, east and west, but however in a strongly magnetized nail all the domains will point to north.

How do you calculate the shear load of a nail?

it's fairly simple. The shear strength of the material must be known. Steel is normally 44000 psi in single shear and 88000 psi in double shear. The cross-sectional area of the nail times the shear strength will give you the point of failure of the nail itself, or maximum destructive load. s x a = l Example: an 8d common nail has a diameter of 0.131 inches and a shear strength of 45000 psi the destructive load capacity of the nail in single shear is: 45000 psi x (0.131" x 0.131" x 0.78539) = 606.513 pounds of force. Divide this number by the required factor of safety to get the maximum design capacity for your structure. [ often f.s. = 3, 4, or 5] * cross-sectional area = diameter squared times 1/4 pi note: shear strengths of nails often exceed the crush strength of the material in which they are used.