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Q: What is uterine corpus?
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How does the corpus luteum affect the menstrual cycle?

The corpus luteum is the area from which the mature egg broke free from the ovary during ovulation. The corpus luteum produces progesterone which is responsible for the uterine lining build-up.

What does regressing corpus luteum indicate?

A regressing corpus luteum indicates that the egg was not fertilized. As the corpus luteum regresses it loses its capacity to produce progesterone. A regressed corpus luteum is termed as corpus albicans. The lack of progestorone, which leads to the shedding of the uterine lining, is responsible for the menstrual cycle.

What is the function of the corpus luteum?

The corpus luteum secretes progesterone & other hormones to maintain early pregnancy which maintains the uterine lining during the first months of pregnancy.The corpus luteum in the ovary results from the release of an egg. It now produces progesterone to maintain the endometrium of the uterine walls.The corpus luteum is a "yellow body". Before it released the egg, it was white and referred to as the corpus albicans (white body).

What does FSH and LH directly promote development of what during uterine cycle?

FSH- follicleLH- corpus luteum

Could a women still be pregnant even tho her blood test was negative and she still gets her period?

No. Having your period is the deterioration of your corpus luteum. The corpus luteum is the site from which an egg cell is ovulated. After ovulation the corpus luteum forms under the influence of LH and begins to secrete progesterone. Progesterone maintains blood flow to the uterine wall and is needed to maintain pregnancy should it occur. If the egg is not fertilized and/or does not implant in the uterine wall, the corpus luteum will degenerate into scar tissue called corpus albicans.

What hornmone secreted by the corpus luteum maintain the uterine lining during the 1st trimester of pregnancy?

Corpus luteum secrets an hormone called Progesterone that maintains the lining of the endometrium and sustains pregnancy

Estrogen and progesterone maintain the integrity of the uterine lining and prepare the mammary glands to secrete milk what structures makes this possible during the first three mont?

corpus luteum

Why does the corpus luteum deteriorate?

If the egg is not fertilized, the corpus luteum stops secreting progesterone and decays (after approximately 14 days in humans). It then degenerates into a corpus albicans, which is a mass of fibrous scar tissue. Progesterone will not be secreted, if corpus luteum will not degenerate.

What are the non capsulated benign tumors and the encapsulated malignant tumors?

Noncapsulated means uncapsulated that means not surrounded by any capsule...and encapsulated means with in the capsule or surrounded by a capsule

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Corpus callosum connects the two halves of the brain.

What connects two cerebral hemispheres together?

The corpus callosum

What instrument measures uterine depth?

A uterine sound measures uterine depth.