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it is the point in a drawing or picture the no farder you can see example when you stand in front of the street an you look straight their is a spot at the end you can see any more

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Rylan Ratke

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2y ago
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Q: What is vanishing points?
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Are vanishing points used in contour drawings?

No, they r not.

What type of projection uses vanishing points?


How many vanishing points are used in one point perspective?

One-point perspective has only one vanishing point.

This type of perspective has two vanishing points?

one point

What does multiple vanishing points mean in photography?

Vanishing points in a picture are the parts that go into the background. If you ever looked down the road while driving or in the passenger seat, the road looks like it gets smaller and smaller in the background and just disappears. In a photo, it might mean there are many vanishing points. I hope that helps!

What type of perspective has two vanishing points?

Two point perspective.

How many vanishing points are used in one-point perspective?


What is the part of an artwork that seems farthest away?

The Vanishing point, i think. Vanishing point is where everything points to and fades out of view. It might be the background.

When using two point perspective in a composition the vanishing points are located?

The two vanishing points are placed apart on the same horizon line (horizontal eye line of viewer). The horizon is the first line to be drawn.

In multiple-points perspective why do the vanishing points not appear on the canvas itself?

The image would appear distorted and not realistic

Why do you need two vanishing points in a two perspective drawing?

Two vanishing points are needed in a two-point perspective drawing to create the illusion of depth and three-dimensional space. The vanishing points help establish the direction in which objects appear to recede into the distance, giving the drawing a realistic and accurate representation of how objects would appear in real life. One vanishing point determines the horizontal lines, while the other determines the vertical lines.

How many vanishings points are used in one-point perspective?

One-point perspective has only one vanishing point.