

What is vocal variety?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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11y ago

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Soprano is middle c to g, alto is treble clef under the staff g to d, tenor is c to high g ( bass clef) and bass which is bass clef f to c

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A domestic cat has over one hundred vocal chords, so can make a huge variety of different meows, squeaks, chirps and yowls.

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Vocal communication

What is the suffix in vocal?

The suffix in "vocal" is "-al", which changes the root word "voc" (related to voice or speech) to an adjective form, indicating that something is related to or characterized by vocal qualities.

A sentence with the word vocal in it?

I can give you several sentences.She has an amazing vocal range.The vocal track on the movie is too faint.The playground was vocal with the happy cries of children.He is a vocal critic of the mayor.Because women have thinner vocal chords than men do, female voices have a higher pitch. Who sings lead vocals for your band?

Why do you have vocal cords?

you have vocal cords to produce your voice

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Tics may be motor or vocal

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Vocal rest