

What is volition in Tagalog?

Updated: 4/25/2024
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17y ago

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sariling paraan (which translates to "own way or will')

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3mo ago

The word "volition" in Tagalog can be translated as "kagustuhan" or "gusto." It refers to the power of choosing or determining one's own actions.

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What is the preposition before volition in a sentence?

The noun volition (choice, decision, will) is often preceded by the preposition "of" in legal terms (e.g. of his own volition = by his own will) or by the preposition "by" (by his own volition).

How would you use volition in a sentence?

"The word volition means free will." "He was not conscripted, he joined the army of his own volition."

Use in a sentence volition?

She joined the volunteer program of her own volition, wanting to contribute to the community.

What is the opposite of volition?

The opposite of volition (choice, free will) could be coercion or extortion (forced or involuntary action).The lack of volition could be indecision, wavering, or procrastination.

Define the word volition?

the act of making a conscious choice or decision

How do you use the word volition in a sentence?

After thinking over it, he decided to enter rehab of his own volition because he wanted to restart his life.The defendant was acting on his own volition, not because he was coerced by his partners.

What is a sentence using the word volition?

The jury found that the murderer acted of his own volition, rather than being forced by another. You can enter rehabilitation by your own volition, rather than wait for a court to order it.

What are the release dates for Volition - 2008?

Volition - 2008 was released on: USA: 11 August 2008 (online film festival)

What actors and actresses appeared in Volition - 2008?

The cast of Volition - 2008 includes: Bill Hearnburg as Slaveholder Jillian Jones

What sentence can you make with the word volition?

I answered this question of my own volition. In other words, I did it voluntarily, willingly.Without conscious volition she backed into her office. In other words, she did it not as an act of will.The word means the faculty or power of using one's will.

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Who sings the Dynamo of Volition?

Jason Mraz