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Voluntary migration involve weighing up the advantages and disadvantages prior to a decision being made

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Q: What is voluntary exile?
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What is the best description of the term voluntary exile?

Voluntary exile refers to a situation where an individual chooses to leave their home country or region and live abroad for personal reasons, rather than being forced to do so. This decision is often driven by factors such as political persecution, personal safety, or a desire for new experiences.

What is the name of yoda's planet?

If you are referring to the planet to which he went into voluntary exile, where Luke Skywalker found him, then then answer is Dagobah.

What does exile mean?

Exile is being forced to leave one's country or home. Voluntary exile is the departure from one's country due to political strife or dissension. Exile as a punishment is used by a state to remove disruptive citizens (this was the case of Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini). In some cases, notably that of Napoleon Bonaparte, a defeated foreign leader is banished or imprisoned to prevent his influence on his country's affairs.

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Voluntary means you have voluntary control, while the involuntary you do not have voluntary control of them.

What would you call a person in exile?

A person in exile can actually be called an exile.

What is the welsh word for exile?

The Welsh word for 'exile' is alltud. 'To exile' is alltudio.

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What is meant by Exile Prophets and Post Exile Prophets?

The meaning of exile prophets means prophets who worked while in exile like daniel, post exile prophets are prophets just before a exile came like Jeremiah.

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