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measured as humidity in the air with a hygrometer.

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Q: What is water vapor in the air measured with?
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Humidity is measured based upon the what content of the air?

water vapor

The measurement of the amount of water vapor in the air?

The humidity is measured by a device called a hygrometer.

What does relative humidity measure?

Relative Humidity is actually measure the amount of moisture in the air. It depends on how much of the air has water in it. Let's say that the RH is 50%, that means 50% of the air has water in it.

How is water vapor measured?


What is water vapor in air?

Water vapor in the air is water in the form of a gas.

14 Humidity is measured based upon the content of the air?

water vapor p.s this is right for pennfoster exams

Mixture of air and water droplets?

Air and water droplets together create fog.

The measurement of the amount of water vapor in the air compared to the amount needed for saturation at a specific temperature?

A measurement of how much water vapor is in the air at any particular place is called relative humidity. Relative humidity is measured with a psychrometer.

How does water vapor enter the air?

Water vapor enters the air as water at the surface evaporates or as plants transpire water vapor from their leaves.

When does water vapor in the air condence when does water vapor in the air condence?

it vapor when the weather is wet and if your driving you can see it on your windshield

What is a measure of how much water vapor is in a given volume of air?

It is measured in terms of percentage of humidity. A device to measure humidity is called hygrometer. The relative humidity of air can be measured by dry and wet bulb method.

How does temperature affect amount of vapor in the air?

The warmer the temperature, the more water vapor in the air. The colder the temperature, the less water vapor in the air.