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It is an example of a man being a gentleman in front of a woman, treating her like nicely then the next second, being, treats her like his punching bag.

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Q: What is water vapor turning into frost an example of?
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What is water vapor turning to frost is an example of?


What forms when water vapor freezes before turning into a liquid?

What forms is frost.

What is an example of changing a gas to a solid?

Examples of a gas changing directly into a solid (deposition) - Water vapor in a cloud changing into solid snowflakes. Water vapor in the air turning directly to frost on any sub-freezing surfaces.

What is an example of a gas changing directly to a solid?

Examples of a gas changing directly into a solid (deposition) - Water vapor in a cloud changing into solid snowflakes. Water vapor in the air turning directly to frost on any sub-freezing surfaces.

What is the proccess of water turning into vapor?

Evaporation is the proccess of water turning into vapor.

How does water vapor become frost?

When water vapor meets a surface that is below the freezing temperature and below the dew point, it turns into frost.

What is the process of water vapor turning back into water?

Water vapor turning into water is a gas changing into a liquid. This process is known as condensation.

What is formed when water vapor near the ground changes into ice?

Air frost - or ground frost

Sometimes water vapor on a surface may freeze without first becoming liqiud water what forms when this ocors?

When water vapor condenses on particles in the air, the water molecules liquefy and become liquid water.

What is freezing water vapor that condenses at ground level?

Rime frost is freezing water vapor that condenses at ground level.

What do you call vapor turning into water?


What is the process of turning water into vapor?
