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Q: What is wave function and what are connection in a quantum numbers?
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How does a wave system function?

A wave system functions with a complex system of quantum mechanics. It is essentially a function of time and space that is very difficult to people measure.

Derivation of magnetic quantum number from schrodinger wave equation?

equation is a double differential relate to the energy of particle with wave function

How does a system function?

A wave system functions with a complex system of quantum mechanics. It is essentially a function of time and space that is very difficult to people measure.

What is the physical interpretation of bessel function?

spherical bessel function arise in the solution of spherical schrodinger wave equation. in solving the problem of quantum mechanics involving spherical symmetry, like spherical potential well, the solution that is the wave function is spherical bessel function

Who developed the equation of wave mechanics?

Jean le Rond d'Alembert, Leonhard Euler, Daniel Bernoulli, Joseph-Louis Lagrange, and the quantum wave function: Erwin Schrödinger.

What is normalization in quantum mechanics?

Did you mean normalization or renormalization? Normalization involves determination of constants such that the value and first determinant of each segment of a wave function match at the intersections of the segments. Renormalization is a process to remove infinities from a wave function.

Why quantum mechanics is someone called wave mechanics?

It is also called wave mechanics because quantum mechanics governed by Schrodinger's wave equation in it's wave-formulation.

What is normalization in quantum mechanic means?

Did you mean normalization or renormalization? Normalization involves determination of constants such that the value and first determinant of each segment of a wave function match at the intersections of the segments. Renormalization is a process to remove infinities from a wave function.

What was right about Erwin Schrodinger's theory?

If you mean his wave function, just about everything. This is used today to describe all sorts of quantum phenomena.

What is the particle-wave theory?

Quantum mechanics.

Matter wave is transverse or longitudinal waves?

Matter waves are neither transverse nor longitudinal. They do not represent any physical oscillations. Rather, their wave properties are only manifested by the fact that the likelyhood of a physical interaction in space can be described by the quantum mechanical wave function. This wave function allows for the matter waves to have a phase (but not a shape!) which allows for traditional wave properties like interference to arise.

what is wave function?

The official definition for the word wave function is "a function that satisfies a wave equation and describes the properties of a wave."