

What is well organized?

Updated: 5/1/2024
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13y ago

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Well organized is really just up to you. If you know where everything is, then that would be well organized. To some people, it could mean everything has it's place.

So basically, if you know where everything is (or most everything because we always forget to put it back in that one spot), then that is organized.

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1mo ago

Being well organized means having a system in place to manage tasks, resources, and time efficiently. It involves arranging things in a logical order, staying on top of priorities, and having a clear structure in place to streamline processes.

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Being well organized in a persuasive speech helps to clearly present information, build a logical argument, and engage the audience effectively. A structured and organized speech allows the speaker to convey their message in a coherent manner, making it easier for the audience to follow and understand the points being made. This, in turn, increases the chances of the audience being persuaded by the speaker's argument.

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"Being organized can be considered a character trait. It reflects someone's ability to plan, prioritize, and structure tasks efficiently. Being organized often indicates a person's attention to detail, responsibility, and overall effectiveness in managing their life or work."

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I'm making good progress with my K101 studies. I'm staying organized, following the study schedule, and actively engaging with the content. I feel confident in my understanding of the material and my ability to apply it effectively.

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The correct way to say it is well-organized or organized well

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It was extremely well organized.

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By author

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the importance of seed selection is neccessary for proper growth of plantsThe correct way to say it is well-organized or organized wellThe importance of classifying animals into groups is to have things well organized so that it will not be too complicated

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How does organized sport begin?

well its a hard question to answer