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west Pakistan is now called PAKISTAN

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Q: What is west Pakistan called now?
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In 1947 British India was partitioned into which states?

India and Pakistan. (Initially, Pakistan was split geographically into the larger West Pakistan and the smaller East Pakistan. Today, West Pakistan is now called just Pakistan, and East Pakistan became an independent country in its own right, Bangladesh.)

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The Muslim country was Pakistan. East Pakistan and West Pakistan. East Pakistan is now Bangladesh.

Was Bangladesh once called East Pakistan?

yes it was. Pakistan , India and bangaldesh where one country but they seperated.Bangladesh was called East Pakistan and Pakistan was called West Pakistan. First India wanted their own country so they had a war with Pakistan and Pakistan won then Bangladesh also wanted their own country so they had a war and they won

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Bangladesh is a country.It was formed from the division of East Pakistan from West Pakistan back in the early 1970s. Both countries were created during the Partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947. What is now Pakistan was once called West Pakistan, and East Pakistan became Bangladesh.Of the list of places, Bangladesh is the only one which is not a city. It is a country.

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East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) and India's West

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Bangladesh had a revolution twice. In 1947, Bangladesh which was part of India at the time, got its independence from Britain. Bangladesh then became East Pakistan and what is now Pakistan became West Pakistan. In 1971, East Pakistan got its independence from West Pakistan and became Bangladesh.

What is east Pakistan now called?


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It hit East Pakistan (now called Bangladesh) and West Bengal on November 12, 1970 and obviously not an Australian natural disaster

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What country did Bangladesh gain its independence from?

It was a part of Pakistan. It was called east Pakistan and was treated with inferiority from the west Pakistan(the current Pakistan). After the victory in the liberation war Bangladesh was born.

What r the reason was west Pakistan was responsible of sepration fom the eat Pakistan?

East Pakistan separated from West Pakistan because of neglect and abuse on part of West Pakistan. East Pakistan was fairly lawless and forgotten by West Pakistan. East Pakistan had no voice when it came to its own affairs, as well.due to these reasons it was seperated.

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Afghanistan is in west of Pakistan .