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Q: What is wet paper called in paper making process?
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Why can't you put wet paper in a recycling bin?

because the recycling process includes grinding and shredding the paper which is difficult if the paper is wet

How is water in the paper-making process?

The process of making paper is based on the fact that wet cellulose fibers bind together when dried under restraint. The processing of paper usually involves the initial separation of the cellulose fibers to form a wet pulp, some form of treatment, such as beating and refining, while in the pulped state, to enhance the quality of the final product, then forming of the sheet paper by hand molding or by paper making machine, and drying. Some further processing is often carried out before or during drying...More Related posts Repulped paper making process Toilet paper making flow sheet production of paper from straw Small scale paper production process How to make exercise books at Collect used PAPERS ---> Cut them into PIECES ---> prepare CORN STARCH ---> bring out the BLENDER ---> get a pail of WATER ---> check for your TRAYS ---> PREPARE FOR SOME MESSY ACTION ---> put the PIECES OF PAPER INTO THE BLENDER 1/3 FULL AND 2/3 WATER FULL ---> BLEND ACCORDINGLY TO HOW FINE YOU WANT THE PAPER TO BE ---> AFTER BLENDING PUT IT IN A BASIN AND ADD THE STARCH (WHICH WILL HOLD THE PAPER) ---> MIX IT ---> PUT IT ON A TRAY EVENLY ---> LET IT DRY UNDER THE HEAT OF SUN ---> IN LESS THAN 1-2 DAYS, YOU'VE GOT YOUR PAPER!

What process is not a physical change drying wet cloths cutting snowflakes out of paper lighting a match from a matchbook?

Ignition of a match is a chemical process.

How do you wash ink off paper?

i guess you wet the paper and dry it i guess you wet the paper and dry it

What paper towel rips when it is wet?

The paper towel that is strongest when wet is BOUNTY !

What is the process called when wet paint dries in the sun?

paint drying in sun

Ideas for demonstrating physical changes for kids?

Physical Changes:- Cutting a paper,Sharpening Pencil,twisting of plastic bottle, making paper wet by water, etc.

When was papermaking discovered?

The earliest form of paper first appeared in the Western Han Dynasty (206BC) shortcut fibers were formed into a sheet via a wet screening process-wet-laid

What happens if paper gets wet?

What kind of paper, how wet, for how long. What is your question?

How do you test for wet strength in paper?

wetting reduces the strength of all paper up to 95 except wet strength paper such caffe filter paper,which arespecifically mode to retain strength even when wet.

How do you wash ink off?

i guess you wet the paper and dry it i guess you wet the paper and dry it

Why does water make paper curl?

beacause its wet and when paper is wet it you can do and make lots of stuff with it