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Tropical Wet and dry is a place that is hot all year with rainy and dry seasons. It is grassland with some trees. It has animals like giraffes Lions and Zebras! Like the Savanna!! :)

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Sherwood Ritchie

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Christopher Schimmel

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2y ago


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2d ago

Wetting and drying in geology refer to the process by which sediments become saturated with water (wetting) and then dry out due to evaporation or drainage (drying). This cycle can affect the stability of slopes, the behavior of soils, and the movement of water underground. Wetting and drying can also influence the distribution of minerals and the formation of certain geological features such as mud cracks.

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9y ago

Wetting and drying causes clay minerals to expand and contract. Salts may dissolve and re precipitate during this process. An unusual texture called tafoni may occur.

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What are examples of wetting and drying?

Wetting: humidification of conditioned air, humidification of clothes during a rain, etc. Drying: deleting water from humid sand, deleting water from humid dishes, etc.

Is wetting and drying a part of mechanical weathering or chemical weathering?


What is wetting and drying in science?

Wetting is the process by which a liquid spreads across the surface of a solid, while drying is the process by which a liquid evaporates from the surface of a solid. These phenomena are important in various scientific fields, such as materials science and environmental science, as they can affect the properties of materials and the behavior of substances in different environments.

What is the vocabulary word for constant swelling and shrinking makes rocks crack?

Wetting and drying. (: -Isis

What type of weathering involves the decomposition of rock as minerals react with substances such as oxgenwater and acids?

Hydrolisis,freeze-thaw, chemical weathering, wetting and drying, etc

What happens to film if the photo flow is not used?

If you squeegee the water off really well, nothing happens. Photo-flo is a wetting agent; it causes the wash water to flow off the film evenly. If the wetting agent is not used and the squeegeeing has not been adequate, you'll get really strange drying marks on the film that won't come out.

How do freezing thawing wetting and drying contribute to soil creep?

Freezing/Thawing - Water in the soil freezing creates ice crystals that push the soil particles outwards, causing what is called "heave." When the ice crystals thaw, the soil flows don the slope due to gravity. Wetting/Drying - Heavy rainfall causes an increase to the moisture in the soil, which increases the volume and weight of the soil. This allows the soil to move down the slope under the influence of gravity. When the soil, especially clay, dries out, the soil contracts.

Can you get BV from wetting the bed?

You can't get BV from wetting the bed.

What is nocturnal bed wetting?

Bed wetting at night for whatever type of.reason

Where are good anime wetting sites? Just search for anime wetting

How do you make wetting agent?

Wetting agent is basically a detergent. It breaks the surface tension of water, and is usually the last treatment a film receives before being hung to dry. The wetting agent causes the final rinse to "sheet" off the film, allowing it to dry without water spots. Water spots can cause all sorts of grief, and usually once the film has dried the water spots cannot be removed, even by rewashing, so it's best to prevent them. A film squeegee may be used to speed drying with or without wetting agent, but many workers do not like to touch wet film with anything other than wet fingers.

What are the precautionary measures in pressure steam sterilization to prevent wetting of cotton plugs?

To prevent wetting of cotton plugs during pressure steam sterilization, ensure that the cotton plugs are not oversized and are properly inserted into the openings of containers or tubes. Avoid overfilling containers to prevent condensation from coming into contact with the cotton plugs. Additionally, allow for proper ventilation during the sterilization process to prevent the buildup of moisture.