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When a car engine is attached to the frame of the car it is done with a bolt to hold the two parts together. To prevent vibration between the two parts there is a small flexible part put on the bolt called a bush. Over time the bush will wear out and need replacement

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Q: What is worn bushings?
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Related questions

Are worn out bushings dangerous for a car?

Kinda-sorta. Worn bushings loses the car some control if you push the performance. If you don't need every sliver of performance, then worn bushings doesn't mean much.

What can make a cars front wheels make a loud clunking noise when going over bumps?

worn stabilizer end link, worn stabilizer bushings, worn control arm bushings, worn strut mount, worn ball joints. Take your pick

Why your car door sags?

Hinges or Hinge bushings are worn.

Starter removed engages and turns slow?

The bushings and/or the brushes are worn on it.

Can the rear knuckle bushings on a 1996 Eldorado be replaced or do you have to replace the entire knuckle?

The worn bushings can be pressed out and replaced. This is the most economical solution to worn bushings. After market replacement parts can't be ordered from any Auto Parts dealer. Read the discussion page for this question.

2004 ion Saturn changed front struts still banging sound?

Check the control arm bushings and any other bushings that may be worn.

Why is your 1st gear sticking 97 Jeep Wrangler?

Probably worn out shifter bushings

How do you know when a s cam is wore out on a semi trailer?

In general the cam itself doesn't wear out, but the bushings it turns in do. Try wiggling the S-cam; if you can, the bushings are probably worn out.

How do you repair door hinge on 2001 Sunfire?

Most problems with an automobile door hinge is worn out bushings. There is a small rubber bushing behind the adjustment bolts. Replace the bushings.

How do you adjust the doors on a 1999 GMC Sonoma or S10 truck?

I've worked for GM for over 10 years. Look at your door hinge pins and bushings first, they are probably wore out. To tell if the pins and bushings are worn out, open the door and lift up on it from the end opposite the hinges. If the door has any play at all the pins/bushings are worn. If you let them go too long the holes in the hinge wear the bushings sit can get wallered out.

What can cause camber to go more negative?

Worn ball joints, worn control arm bushings. The year, make and model info would help.

Why would the transmission be stuck in forth gear?

Most likely the shifter bushings are worn making it bind