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Coca-Cola or cocaine? Cigarettes are certainly more harmful than Coca-Cola. Cigarettes vs. cocaine is simply an unanswerable hypothetical that doesn't need answering: avoid both for optimal health. If you smoke also you harm other people's lungs not only yourself.


It depends which 'experts' you ask, whether it be Coca Cola or cocaine!

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13y ago
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12y ago

I have done research on the ingredients of coke and this is what i found:

1. Carbonated Water - As you would expect nothing bad.

2. Caramel Colour - Nothing bad.

3. Phosphoric Acid - Research found nothing bad.

4: Citric acid - Nothing bad as it is a weak acid, but too much may erode your teeth in some amount.

5: Aspartame - This is a big issue but major organizations say its ok, and the only thing bad was some brain-related sickness found in rodents when it was used on them. However there is a small chance this will happen on humans as they resist it more and the quantity is low anyway.

6 - Flavours - The ingredients in this are still unknown to the public so I couldn't really research them.

7 - Sodium Benozoate - Nothing bad as research proved.

I personally wouldn't say its horrible and you will die, but don't have too much either. A minimum of 1 a week would do. I drink 0-5 a year.

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12y ago

Both smoking and smokeless tobacco is bad for you and cause cancer to some, not all. I work with a guy who smoked for 20+ years, quit, and moved on to chewing. He's been chewing for only 6 years and says chewing tobacco is a lot harder to kick than smoking, most likely because it's just more convenient because you can chew almost anywhere and not be a burden to those around you, like blowing the smoke around people, where one can just spit into a can/bottle or even gut it.

PS, gutting your spit (swallowing the juices) is a lot more dangerous to the throat/stomach because the chemicals are going directly into your body through the swallowing process.

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15y ago

I don't know so shutup! well YOU are just rude well i have come to the conclusion that Diet Soda is worse for you because it has a chemical in it to absorb all of the sugar however this chemical is bad and can where away your bones and teeth more than normal soda.

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13y ago

It depends on whether you are a casual drinker or not...

If you are an alcoholic, then alcohol is worse hands down. Not only are you damaging your vital functions, but you are having social and family consequences as well. Making a fool out of yourself at work or in social situations is very damaging. Not to mention the potential for legal consequences such as the dreaded DUI and Public Intoxication. And, for most alcoholics, alcohol can be a springboard drug that, when drunk, you are more likely to start using any other drugs around you, which could turn into another bad habit. And when you do decide to recovery through a program like AA, there's always the opportunity that you will relapse.

That being said, if you are just a casual drinker, then cigarettes are certainly worse for you and will kill you more quickly (assuming you are like most smokers who smoke at least half a pack each day).

Both have negative effects on the body. alcohol can cause kidney complications and other health problems. smoking can cause many forms of cancer, emphysema and other diseases. Overall, I think smoking is worse, atleast with how it affects the body.

It would really depend on the quatities that you take them.

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12y ago

coke a cola contains 39g of sugar whereas a can of pepsi contains 41g. pepsi is worse for you than coke

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15y ago

theres a difference??? wow

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Q: What is worse for you coke or Pepsi?
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Is coca-cola sweeter than Pepsi?

No pepsi is not stronger than coke. coke contains chemicals and cafeine to make humans unable to sleep and have alot of energy. pepsi does not h ave the exsact same ingredients as coke which makes it less stronger than coke.

Is Pepsi a coke product?

No. Pepsi is made by Pepsico. Coke is made by Coca Cola.

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Pepsi isn't better than Coca Cola, coke taste better and pepsi is okay. pepsi is healthier but coke is the one that is better tasting. coke was made in the year 1885, (so was dr pepper) and pepsi was born 1889. so my opinion is.....coke oh and by the way the new coke bottles are cool. coke fact: coke is santas favorite drink! pepsi fact: pepsi has has had over 10 logos! AND coke is just way awesomer.... :)

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1. Coke leaves a papery after taste in your mouth,.. Pepsi does not 2. Coke is always darker in consistency than Pepsi.

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Coke because there is more water in the coke than the Pepsi beacuse of Pepsi having more sugar in it.

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coke and sprit

What do you like better Coke or Pepsi?


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coke works way better than pepsi

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What is the acid that makes Coke and Pepsi fizz?

What is sold more coke or Pepsi?

The fact is the answer depends on what you mean by Coke or Pepsi...the company or the drink. If you mean the cola drink, then Coke is. Pepsi has never out-sold Coke in the 108 years of competition between the two. If you mean the company, then Pepsi has somewhat recently passed Coke, selling more water and other drinks (including Pepsi cola) combined. This, according to Fortune.

What is the difference between Coke and Pepsi?

Alot is different coke is nice pepsi is evil and pepsi is a trick you think oh it will taste sweet and bitter like coke but no it turns so sweet and evil never trust pepsi no matter what it will always explode unlike pepsi, coke is super truthful and never explodes!!!!!!! Thank you if you work for coke or pepsi sorry but this is the flat out truth!!!!

Why is Pepsi better for you then coke?

pepsi actually is not better for you than coke. pepsi has more sugar ( 41 grams ) but coke only has ( 39 grams ) and it has more calories and more sodium then coke so coke is actually better for you than pepsi. we just learned about this in science class today.