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Q: What is worst for your body red bull or monster energy drink?
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Why are energy drinks harmful to the body?

Red bull is worst for you.Its so dangerous it is even banned in some countries!!

What is in monster energy drinks that make you addicted?

Cocaine. ****** Ignore that. It's caffiene. If you drink it regularly, then your body will come to depend upon it.

Will a 16.9 bottle of water flush out an energy drink out a 16.9 can of monster energy drink out of the body?

no. once you ingest the energy drink, the vitamins are absorbed along with the caffeine. how long it stays in your body depends on your weight, size and metabolism. the slower your metabolism, the longer it will stay. the liquid portion of the drink, the water, will get flushed out through your kidneys and bladder. but all the chemicals will remain.

How does body get the energy that it needs?

Your body gets energy from what you eat and drink.

Is a monster a simple or complex carbohydrate?

If you are referring to the energy drink brand "Monster", then that beverage is composed primarily of simple carbohydrates. These are one- and two-sugar carbohydrates that allow for ready-made energy for the body. Complex carbohydrates "burn" longer because they require more energy to break them down. Examples of complex carbohydrates are starch and glycogen.

How does a sports drink high in caffeine and sugar affect the body?

badly i highly suggest that ppl don't drink like Gatorade and energy drinks like amp monster etc. i suggest vitamin water Gatorade rots ur teeth

What does monster energy drink do to your body?

It makes your hurt beet fast, when that happends you don't get as much blood going to your head then you can faint. ( My health teacher said that) I'm not a nerd i just happend to leson

Does energy drinkings affect your body?

It really depends on the energy drink but it is supposed to give you energy for a period of time

Are there steroids in energy drinks?

no,steroids are not energy drink..They just stimulate the body muscles.

Is lemonade or hot chocolate worse for your body?

it depends on how much u drink if u drink to much u can become constipated

Does monster energy drink stop your growth?

No.Its like one of the old myths like coffee will stunt your growth or if you swallow seeds the food of said seed will grow inside you. But too much of any energy drink will have bad health effects.Try to have maybe 2 or 3 a week at the most.

What happens when a energy drink goes through your body?

It stimulates adrenaline.