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the telepathical theory is that it controls the songrith in its cologus which forms the alaphle

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Q: What is wrong when there is blood in stool?
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Is blood in your stool a sign of rectal cancer?

Blood in your stool can indeed be a sign of rectal cancer, but it's not sure way to know. You should see a doctor and get tested to find out what is wrong.

what do uoy do when u have blood in ur stool?

what do you do when u have blood in your stool

Had a ectopic pregnancy operation but keeping getting blood in stool is that normal?

Blood in your stool is never normal. Possibly, they put a hole in your bowels when the did the surgery. Please contact your doctor right now. If you are bleeding internally, or if blood is getting into your stool, stool could be getting into your peritoneum, and into your blood stream. Even if it isn't as drastic as a perforated bowel, something is wrong within your system for there to be blood that you can see in your stool. It could be hemorrhoids or even some form of cancer. Please contact your doctor; your life may depend on it.

Can a herniated disc cause blood in the stool?

No, a herniated disc does not cause blood in the stool. See your health care provider, as blood in the stool always deserves a visit.

What does negative blood in stool test mean?

Negative blood in stool test means no blood was found in that particular smear from that particular stool sample. Good news.

What makes stool smell tarry?

You may have blood in your stool.

I have found blood in my stool does this mean colon cancer?

I have found blood in my stool does this mean colon cancer

What causes the stool to be pure blood?

If any part of the digestive system is bleeding , then your stool will have blood in it. The stool forms and passes through your intestines, bowels, etc , and if you are having issues with bleeding- then obviously the blood will pass down with the stool when it exits your rectum.

What is wrong when bowel is pink?

If your bowel movement is pink, it means that you have blood in the stool. You should see a physician to determine the cause of the blood.

Can levothyroxine cause stool to turn black?

No, levothyroxine does not cause blood in your stool. Blood in the stool is a sign that always deserves a visit to your health care provider. Please make an appointment.

Why do i excreate black stool with blood?

Black stool with blood indicates blood loss high in the GI tract. This sign requires urgent consultation with your health care provider.