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It is very sick and will have chronic diarrhea and will probably die unless it is seen and treated by a veterinarian.

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Q: What is wrong with a goat with severe dysentery?
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Related questions

Is dysentery fatal?

It can cause severe dehydration which can be fatal.

What is the cause of dysentery?

Dysentery is an intestinal infection that results in severe diarrhea. Bacterial infections, such as Shigella, E. coli and Salmonella, are the most common causes of dysentery.

What disease kill Wiesel father?

Elie Wiesel's father died from dysentery, a gastrointestinal infection that causes severe diarrhea and can lead to dehydration and death.

What is a sentence that has the word dysentery in it?

They all suffered from dysentery after drinking the dirty water.

Why does papaya seed cause stomach pain?

Only foods that are contaminated with a parasite can cause dysentery. If a grown papaya is infected it will cause dysentery and severe gastrointestinal problems.

What disease does Entamoeba cause?

Entamoeba species, such as Entamoeba histolytica, can cause a disease called amoebiasis. It can lead to a range of symptoms, including diarrhea, abdominal pain, and in severe cases, dysentery and liver abscesses. Treatment usually involves antibiotics to eliminate the parasite.

What is dycentery?

Dysentery (formerly known as flux or the bloody flux) is an infection of the digestive system that results in severe diarrhea containing mucus and blood in the feces. Dysentery is typically the result of unsanitary water containing micro-organisms which damage the intestinal lining. There are two major types of dysentery due to micro-organisms: amoebic dysentery, and bacillary dysentery mainly due to one of three bacteria. Dysentery can also be caused by certain medications; for example, some steroids can affect bowel movements

What is fulminating colitis?

Fulminating colitis-- A potentially fatal complication of amebic dysentery marked by sudden and severe inflammation of the intestinal lining, severe bleeding or hemorrhaging, and massive shedding of dead tissue.

Can you die by going to the bathroom a lot?

Only if you are going to the bathroom a lot due to having severe dysentery or a deadly form of food poisoning.

What diseases are caused by amoeba?

The most common and well known disease caused by amoeba is amoebic dysentery resulting in severe diarrhea.

After goat miscarriage can I use its milk?

If the goat is producing milk, you can use its milk. There will be nothing wrong with the milk due to a miscarriage.

What is the prefix of dysentery?

The prefix of dysentery is dy. The suffix of dysentery is sentery. Dysentery is an inflammation of the colon or intestines.