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Q: What is your range of frequency that humans can hear?
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What is the range of frequency that humans can hear?

the range of sound frequencies that humans can hear is about0to200Hz

Frequency of hearing for human range?

Humans can hear sounds of 20 to 20,000 Hz. Hearing is best in the middle part of this range. However, the acuity varies between individuals and changes with age so that there is no specific frequency at which humans hear best.

Can animals hear what you can't?

yes, animals have a much higher frequency range than humans

What is the range of audio frequency?

The range humans can hear is about 20 - 20,000 Hz (20 Hz to 20 kHz); the range is smaller for older people.

What is the lowest frequency for humans?

Assuming you mean the lowest frequency humans can hear, that's about 20 Hz.

How ultrasound and infrasound differ from normal sound?

Sonic infrasound is a sound too low for humans to hear, below 20 Hertz. Ultrasound is a sound too high for humans to hear, above 20,000 Hertz.

Can humans hear the sonic range?

The Human hearing range IS the sonic range. Sounds which fall under the ultrasonic range are sounds which emit a higher frequency then we can hear (ie. dogs hear within this range). Infrasonic sounds emit lower frequencies then we can hear. The human hearing range or 'Sonic' range is between 16- 20 000 Hz, though changes with age

The lowest frequency that humans can hear is?

20 Hz.

Which frequency do humans hear the best?

3.15 khz

Can bats hear higher pitched noises than humans?

Depending on age, humans can hear between 20 Hz and 15-20 kHz. Bat calls have a frequency range of 9 kHz to 200 kHz.So Yes.

Can you hear infrasound?

Humans are able to hear infrasound, depending upon frequency and amplitude.

What animals can hear sounds with too high a frequency for humans to hear?

Most animals can, but dogs can definitely hear them.