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Zakat (زكاة) is very similar to a Christian tithe; it is a percentage income tax that is paid to the mosque for redistribution to poorer Muslims, to maintain the mosque, and to promote Islamic activities. Sunnis typically pay zakat at the 2.5% rate whereas Shiites typically pay zakat at the 10% rate.

As for why Muslims pay zakat, they do so because they see giving back to their community as being the will of God and a good deed in its own right.

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Q: What is zakat and why do Muslims Patrice it?
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Zakat on Christians in Pakistan?

No zakat on christians but only Muslims.

Can non Muslims receive zakaat?

Zakat can only be given to non Muslims if its intent is to help them become Muslims.

What does the word charity imply to Muslims?

Zakat. This means 'charity' or 'giving'. Every year, Muslims give 2.5% of their income to charity, and because Zakat is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, it implies quite a lot to Muslims.

Can Pakistani zakat be given to Muslims in other countries?

Yes, of course it can.

What is the main reason Muslims have to give zakat?

to make their wealth pure

Why cant zakat be spent on mosques?

If mosques are not available for Muslims with the convenient capacity, Muslims will not be affected as they still can pray even in open air around the mosques or in other open air spaces. However if food or medicine is not available for Muslims, Muslims will sure be strongly and negatively affected. What priorites do you think to pay zakat? Is it to pay zakat for one who is in urgent need for daily food, for medicine, or for making medical operation or to pay zakat for building a mosque or purchasing carpets for this mosque.

How old should you be to pay zakat?

I m paying zakat almost from fifteen years

When was zakat ordinance enforced?

The zakat system is for Muslims who have cash or a specified amount of gold, silver, or trading goods that they have possessed for a year and have to pay 2.5 percent of it to the poor. The Zakat and Ushr system was enforced in 1980.

Why do Muslim people have to give zakat using the religious scripture?

on Muslims it is an obligation to pay zakat other words it purifies our money ...and in this way Muslims also help those who r poor and don't have enough earning to live on ...

Why Muslim far from zakat day by day?

because all Muslims are not faithful and paying zakat is hard for them. actually they love money more than God.

What kinds of things does zakat pay for?

Zakat pays for shelter , food and clothing for the people who aren't that wealthy.

Why should the muslims follow the zaka?

because u have to pay zakat in islam and it is farz