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Q: What is zucchini zones grown best in?
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Where is zucchini grown in US?

Zucchini is native to Central America and Mexico. It is grown throughout USA so lots of states grow zucchini.

What season are zucchini grown in?

They are grown in summer

Where is zucchini grown?

it is grown in the USA

Which vegetable is zucchini better known as?

The zucchini is also known as a courgette. This vegetable originated from Italy, but is now grown all over Europe.

Where are cherries grown in the UDA?

Most cherries are grown in the UDA zones of 9 and 11.

What country grows zucchinis the most?

Zucchini is native to CENTRAL America and Mexico. It is grown throughout USA so lots of states grow zucchini.

When a piece of a zucchini is soaked in saltwater the zucchini breaks down and loses its firmness. Which best explains what happens to the zucchini?

The cells in the zucchini shrink because they lose their water.

When a piece of zucchini is soaked in saltwater the zucchini breaks down and loses its firmness .which best explains what happens to the zucchini?

The cells in the zucchini shrink because they lose their water.

When a piece of zucchini is soaked in saltwater the the zucchini breaks down and loses its firmness. Which best explains what happens to the zucchini?

The cells in the zucchini shrink because they lose their water.

When a piece of zucchini is soaked in saltwater the zucchini breaks down and loses it firmness. which best explains what happens to the zucchini?

The cells in the zucchini shrink because they lose their water.

When a piece of zucchini is soaked in saltwater the zucchini breaks down and loses its firmness. What best explains what happens to the zucchini?

The cells in the zucchini shrink because they lose their water.

When a piece of zucchini is soaked in saltwater the zucchini breaks down and loses its firmness which best explains what happened to the zucchini?

The cells in the zucchini shrink because they lose their water.