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President Nixon's platform focused on a few economic and war related issues. He focused on the economy, the dollar, and restoring America as a leader in the world. The most important issue Nixon focused on was ending the Vietnam War.

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Q: What issues did president Nixon's election platform focus on?
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In democratic countries all elections are based on the policies of each party. Public policy issues and the manner in which they are resolved are part of a party's platform.

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Richard Nixon's platform during his presidential campaign in 1968 centered around law and order, ending the Vietnam War, and restoring peace and stability to the country. He also promised to address issues such as civil rights, welfare reform, and reducing crime rates. Nixon emphasized the importance of a strong and united America.

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What is the difference between a platform and a plank?

The platform is a series of statements expressing the party's principles, beliefs, and positions on election issues. The plank is each individual part of the platform. That would be the correct answer in a political arena.As far as the sport of diving goes, a platform refers to a solid, elevated surface with a foundation underneath it that a person dives from...a plank is a rectangle shaped board (usually spring) that extends out over the water that a person dives from (or walks off as in the case of most pirate ships.)