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Q: What issues did president Taft not support?
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What kind of issues were not supported by president Taft?

direct primaries

Why did so many progressive politicians and writers complain that President Taft didn't support former President Roosevelt's progressive policies?

taft raised tariffs

Why did they support or oppose Taft?

There are many reasons why someone would support or oppose President Taft. Many opposed or supported him based on his party representation for example.

Who influenced president William Taft?

President William Taft was influenced by several individuals during his political career. One of the most significant influences was his predecessor, President Theodore Roosevelt, who handpicked Taft as his successor and provided guidance and support throughout his presidency. Taft's wife, Helen "Nellie" Taft, also played a significant role in shaping his political decisions and providing counsel. Additionally, Taft was influenced by his father, Alphonso Taft, who was a prominent politician and diplomat.

What is first name of president Taft?

President William Howard Taft.

Who was heavier president Taft or president Coolidge?

President Taft was considerably heavier than Coolidge. Taft weighed over 300 pounds.

Was President Taft a golfer?

One of President Taft's recreations was the game of golf.

Why did Roosevelt let William Howard Taft became president?

Roosevelt did not 'let' Taft become president. Taft was elected.

Who was the fatest president the us ever known?

president Taft was the fatest president president of America......

President Taft's home state?

President Taft was born and lived in Ohio. William Howard Taft was born in the year 1857 and he served as President in 1909.

How old was William Taft when he was president?

Taft became President when he was 52 years old.

What year was president Taft born?

President Taft was born September 15, 1857