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Q: What it a high altitude cloud made up of smaller clouds?
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Is a cirrus a high or low cloud?

Cirrus clouds are high-altitude clouds.

What are clouds-?

A cloud is a visible mass of condensed water that are generally found at high altitude.

What is thin feathery clouds in a high altitude?

cirrus cloud (who didnt Know that) I didnt

Which cloud forms at high altitude and appears feathery?

"CIRRUS CLOUDS"...I Hope I can Help U..:))

Does altostratus clouds rain?

cirrus clouds cant rain because they are to high the altitude in them is just to much. and the cloud is only ice crystal

Explain why a cumulonimbus cloud is not considered to be a low middle or high cloud?

Cumulonimbus clouds span the entire distance from low to high altitude, and so do not fit into any of the three height classifications.

What is the meaning of On The Cloud Nine?

The phrase, floating on cloud nine, means feeling extreme happiness. A possible origin of the phrase comes from the fact that meteorologists sometimes refer to clouds on a number scale with cloud nine clouds being at a high altitude.

Cloud prefix meaning middle?

The mid-altitude clouds are given the prefix, "Alto." Alto means high. These clouds are between 6000 and 20,000 feet. There is no prefix meaning middle for clouds.

Are cirrus clouds low are high?

Cirrus clouds are at a high altitude.

What kind of clouds bring that low altitude and high altitude?

stratus, stratocumulus, and nimbostratus clouds

What does cirro mean?

Description of Cirrus clouds that look light and often curl shaped.

What type of cloud is light and feathery?

Cirrus clouds are light and feathery in appearance. These high-altitude clouds are made up of ice crystals and typically indicate fair weather.