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Volume increased so density decreased

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Q: What item decrease when heat is applied density mass or volume?
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Does the density the mass or the volume decrease when heat is applied?


What increases as heat is applied to density?


Which item decreases as heat is applied?

Volume is increased so density is decreased.

What happen to the density of a substance when you heat it?

Normally when you heat a substance its volume increases while mass stays the same. It may not be noticable but the density would decrease.

Can a substance's density ever change?

Yes. If you heat something up, its volume will usually increase, therefore its density will decrease. This is especially so in the case of gases; less for solids and liquids. Also, if you compress a gas, you will decrease its volume.

What happens if you take away heat from a gas?

If a gas was removed from all heat sources, it would turn into a liquid and possibly freeze depending on how cold you were able to get it. Heat causes the gas molecules to vibrate which ultimately leads to an increase in volume and a decrease in density. Reduction of heat causes the molecules to vibrate less which leads to a decrease in volume and an increase in density.

Can a decrease in mass with an increase in volume result from the equation for density mass divided by volume?

Don't know what you are asking here. Mass is a innate property of matter you cant decrease mass. You can however increase volume (especially in gasses) so that the mas is spread out over a larger volume (usually by adding heat) and this DOES decrease the density. That is why hot air/water rises.

Does particles in gases expand when heated?

This is because when heat is applied to particles, they gain energy, therefore they travel faster and space out. The volume will increase though the density will decrease. So matter will always expand when exposed to heat.

How can you change the overall density of an object?

In a simple way, since density = mass /volume, the density of an object can be changed by changing either mass or volume of an object .

What happens to the density of a fluid when heat is applied?

The density of a fluid goes down (becomes less dense) when heat is applied.

When heat is added to a situation what 3 things happen?

- the volume increase- the density decrease- a chemical reaction may occur- a change of phase is possible

How does the addtiotion of heat affect the volume taken up by given number of particles?

The addition of heat will cause any group of particles to expand and take up more volume but since the mass remains the same the density would decrease.