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Q: What item is not a reimbursable expense when using your travel charge card?
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What item is not a reimbursable expense when using your travel card?


What item is not a reimbursable expense when using your travel account?

That's kind of a matter of your specific company's policy, but in general, expenses that you incur which are both necessary for and a direct result of the travel are reimbursable, and anything else is not. So your lodging, meals, and transportation expenses are generally reimbursable, while pretty much anything else is not. Also, there is usually a maximum allowable amount of food expense per day or per meal, and a maximum allowable hotel rate depending on your destination city (for example,your company may specify a higher permissible amount for a hotel in a major city like New York or Tokyo than one in, say, Nebraska), and anything you spend over that amount is expected to come out of your own pocket.Many companies have an in-lieu-of policy, that allows you to spend a certain amount of money on gifts to someone who is providing you with something that would otherwise be a reimbursable expense. For example, if a friend who lives in the city you travel to allows you to stay in their house instead of getting a hotel, your company will probably reimburse you for a gift to your friend (that costs less than a hotel would have).

Can you charge the customer your service rate charge upon using credit card?

All vendors are permitted to charge their clients an accommodation expense for utilizing a Mastercard if the client is utilizing a non-standard installment channel. ... The act of continually charging clients an expense for Mastercard installments, regardless of how the exchange happens, is known as an extra charge affordabledebtconsolidation.

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"Plymouth Travel is a Travel Agency that brings you special offers and deals pertaining you ones travel needs. Like other travel agencies, they do charge a fee when using them."

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I agree.

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By using your Government travel charge card to withdraw cash from an ATM machine

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You can do both. You can charge while using kindle of u can just charge by not using kindle.

Benefit from Travel Reward Credit Card?

When you agree to use your own credit card for company expenses you can reap the benefits. Because the card is in your name you will be able to take full advantage of the rewards that are offered. If you limit yourself to only using it for business travel expenses that you are reimbursed for then you will receive those rewards will be yours to use free of charge. The one expense may be an annual fee related to the card, but if you do a lot of traveling the rewards could easily greatly offset that small annual cost.

What happen when you charge a mobile battery using paper?

That is ridiculous. You cannot charge a battery using paper.