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Q: What items are recorded in the material master?
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Are non stock materials items in which no quantities are recorded in the material master?

Non-stock materials are items in which no quantities are recorded in the material master.

Are Non-stock materials are items in which no quantities are recorded in the material master?


Non-stock materials are items in which no quantities are recorded in the material master?


Which type of information include in material master data in gfebs?

Quality information is included in material master data.

GFEBS - Which type of information is included in material master data?

Quality information is included in material master data.

What is an example of a material for which material master data is created?

All of the above

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What is an example of a GFEBS material for which material master data is created?

All of the above is the correct answer.

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Which type of information is included in material master data?

Material master data contains all the master records of the individual material that the company buys, sells and what is in the inventory. It contains accounting information, materials planning, materials control, purchasing, storage, in addition to sales and distribution.

Are Americans dependent on material items?

Yes. Material items include food, clothing, shelter and healthcare. Americans, just like any other nations or individuals are dependent on such items for survival. It is sometimes said that Americans are dependent on material items with a connotation that they are "too" dependent on such items. Whether or not Americans are "too" materialistic is a subjective feeling, and open to debate for anyone alike.

What is the hereditary material sometimes referred to as the Master Molecule?

The hereditary material sometimes referred to as the Master Molecule is DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). DNA contains the genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth, and reproduction of all living organisms. It carries the genetic information that is passed from parent to offspring.