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Q: What job requires strong applicants to protect human bones?
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What are strong applicants to protect human bones?

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Why is it important that bones are strong?

Strong bones support our body (keep us upright and in the "human" shape) and protect many of our vital organs (the cranium protects the brain, the ribs protect the lungs, etc)

What should you do to protect your bones and to keep them healthy and strong?

be careful and exercise evereday.

How do rhinos mostly protect themselves?

They protect themselves with their horns, made with really strong bones , and thick skin used as a shield to protect themselves.

How do you protect your bones?

By eating cheese and drinking milk - they contain Calcium, which is the main material that builds the bones; also doing sports to develop strong body.

Bones could be strong and what?

bones can be strong and healthy !!!!!!!!!!

How can you protect your self form getting osteoporosis?

Drinking lots of milk, using Centrium. It greatly helps keep your bones strong.

What do human bones protect?

Your bones protect your internal organs from injury.

Explain two ways the cardiovascular and skeletal systems are interdependent?

The cardiovascular pumps bloods which helps the bones and im a gangsta.

What bones do not protect an internal organ?

Humans have many bones that don't protect internal organs like your finger bones (which are called phalanges and metacarpals)

What are the layer in your bones?

to protect it

Did all dinosaurs have strong bones?

not yes, because some of the dinosaurs have strong bones. Some dinosaurs have strong bones in their body but sometimes some of their body parts are weak!!!!!!!!!!!!!