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Q: What jobs did the women do in 16th century?
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How do Utopians get jobs and how is this different from Europe in the 16th century?

Utopians can choose their jobs. This is different from Europe in the 16th century because there was less mobility between jobs and classes. Someone born a farming peasant remained a farming peasant for life.

What rights did women have in 16th century Denmark?

Women had no rights in 15th century Denmark. Women were not able to vote until 1915.

What Irish pirate of the 16th century was a women?

Grace O'Malley

What jobs in the 16th century?

There's a Blacksmith, barber, scribe, ewerer, and many others.

How were women treated in 16th century?

Tudor women were treated very badly and had no respect from anybody but themselfs. Also because the men would treat them badly because of men thought they could do jobs better then them. The Women tried very hard

Which century is 1584?

1584 is in the 16th century.

What did women wear in 16th century?

They wore large dresses shapped like scrotums.

What decade were lace dresses worn?

16th century October.

Why do all portraits of women from 16th century England look so similar?

Portraits of the women from the 16th Century in England might look similar because, at the time, portraits had to be drawn and painted. There was only a handful of people at that time who were skilled enough to do this type of work.

What century is 1599 The 16th or the 15th?

That is the last year of the 16th century

What century is 1509?

1509 would be in the 16th century.