

What jobs no longer exist today?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Jobs of the Past

ice delivery man - ice used to be delivered in the old days

lamp lighter

typewriter repairman

court jester

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Q: What jobs no longer exist today?
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In all honesty I think a job that will exist in the future but does not exist today is probably going to deal with Global Warming. A team to think of ways to prevent global warming. A solar weather man because we will be on a diffrent planet.

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That depends, but all the jobs that exist in the US, exist in the Netherlands too..

Jobs that no longer exist?

As society changes, some jobs become more rare than they used to be, but most do not disappear completely. Today most people drive automobiles rather than horse-drawn carriages, however, there are still some horse-drawn carriages, so jobs relating to the manufacture or operation of such carriages have not completely disappeared. However, I do believe that there are no longer any jobs left in the profession of sending or receiving telegrams. Telegrams are over. There are no longer any priests of Mithra to my knowledge. Those come immediately to mind; doubtlessly there are others.

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Changes in economy happen. The jobs that people have may no longer exist even after the recovery of the economy. In terms of employment, this is called economic dislocation.

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No, the New York Agreement (NYA) is no longer active today. It was initially created in 2017 as a scaling agreement for Bitcoin that ultimately led to the creation of Bitcoin Cash. However, the NYA itself is no longer in effect.