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The second through fourth metacarpophalangeal joints are condyloid joints. The first metacarpophalangeal joint is a saddle joint.

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Q: What joint is between proximal phlanges and metacarplebones?
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Joints between proximal phalanges and metacarpal bones?

Metacarpophalangeal joint. A condyloid type of joint.

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A distal interphalangeal joint is the articulation of the medial and distal phalanges. In contrast, a proximal interphalangeal joint is the articulation of the proximal and medial phalanges.

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What joint do the proximal and distal phalanges meet at?

The proximal and distal phalanges only meet in the first digits (the thumbs and the big tues). This joint is the first interphalangeal joint.

What kind of joints are between proximal phalanges and metacarpal bones?

The joint is technically called "metacarpophalangeal", and it is a condyloid joint.

What synovial joint is an interphalangeal joint?

Proximal and distal interphalangeal joints.

What type of joint is found at the base of the thumb?

It is known as the thumb basal joint, also known as the carpometacarpal joint. It is a special saddle-shaped joint that is formed by the small wrist bone and the first of the three bones in the thumb.

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The hock of the cat is located between the tibia, or shin, and the talus bone, which is a bone of the paw. The cat's hock joint is comparable to a human ankle joint.