

What keeps soil in place?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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what keeps the soil in place? well with my no life considering i am 34 and live with my parents, still my 12 years of research of soil i have found out that the roots keep them in place.

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the roots keep the soil from moving around and keeps them "anchored down".

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Tree roots hold the soil in place, the roots take up water and send it up the tree and out the leaves (evapotranspiration), which keeps the soil from getting saturation - saturated soil can slide.

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If there is no air in the soil, the organic matter in the soil will begin to rot. It is called anerobic decomposition. Air in the soil allows for drainage, gives roots a place to grow, and keeps methane from building up by allowing it a ready escape.

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Worms and fungi. When rivers flood the create silt a rich soil

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permanently frozen soil

How do compost and mulch prevent soil erosion?

It is by respectively amending and covering soil that compost and mulch can prevent soil erosion. Compost puts fresh, nutrient-rich humus into the soil to improve aeration, drainage, fertility, moisture, structure, and texture while mulch holds soil in place, keeps moisture and temperature at proper levels, and puts nutrients back into the soil as it wears out after about 3+ years.

How is soil different from place to place?

yes soil from different places is different

Grasses holds soil in place with their?

Roots help keep the soil in place.

What keeps the soil from renewing quickly?

because it has help from all the other soils