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D minor (melodic minor to be specific) Here's the D- melodic minor scale (D Eflat F G A Bnatural Csharp D) However, the key signature for the piece will show Bflat and Eflat. By the way, this is the scale for the D-melidic minor (D Eflat F G A Bflat Csharp D)

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Q: What key are B A G F E flat D and C sharp in?
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What key signature has B flat and C sharp?

There is no key signature that has Bb and C#.

What scale has b flat and c sharp?

D minor - more specifically, D harmonic minor (the version of the minor scale with a flat 6 and a sharp 7). However, you will never see a key signature with a B flat and a C sharp. The key signature will only contain B flat.

How many key signatures exist?

15 different key signatures exist. (no sharps or flats) = C major F sharp= G major F C sharp = D major F C G sharp = A major F C G D sharp = E major F C G D A sharp = B major F C G D A E sharp = F # major F C G D A E B sharp = C# major B E A D G C F flat = C flat major B E A D G C flat = G flat major B E A D G flat = D flat major B E A D flat = A flat major B E A flat =E flat major B E flat =B flat major B flat = F major

What are the different notes?

a flat( or g sharp),a, b flat( or a sharp), b, c flat (or b sharp), c, c sharp (or d flat), d, e flat (or d sharp), e, f flat( or e sharp), f, f sharp ( or g flat)and g.

What are the different musical?

a flat( or g sharp),a, b flat( or a sharp), b, c flat (or b sharp), c, c sharp (or d flat), d, e flat (or d sharp), e, f flat( or e sharp), f, f sharp ( or g flat)and g.

How many flats in b minor?

There are no flats in b-minor. B major has two flats, both B-flat and A-flat, but b-flat minor is the relative minor of D-major, which has a sharp key signature. The sharps in b-minor are F-sharp and C-sharp.

What is the interval b flat to c sharp?

B-flat to C-sharp is an augmented 2nd.

Can any note in an octave have an enharmonic - such as G-sharp and A-flat B and C-flat and A and B-double-flat etc?

I am guessing so... I've seen something like a key signature having a B-flat, and somewhere in the piece there is a flat in front of a B, so it would be a B-double-flat. If double flats are allowed,then it would be C,B-sharp;C-sharp,D-flat;D, E-double-flat; D-sharp, E-flat; E, F-flat;F,G-double-flat;F-sharp,G-flat;G,A-double-flat;G-sharp,A-flat;A,B-double-flat;and B,C-double-flat.

what is the scale for C for the flute?

C, C sharp/D flat, D, D sharp/E flat, E, F, F sharp/G flat, G, G sharp/A flat, A, A sharp/B flat, B, C.

What are the sharps in the key of A major?

it depends on what key its in. Theres not specific sharps for the bass cleff, it changes according to the key just like treble. If your in the key of c, then theres none. If your in the key of G, then theres one sharp (Fsharp)... etc etc.

Is there a h note?

No. There are a (plus a flat and a sharp), b (plus b flat and b sharp), c (flat and sharp), d (flat and sharp), e (flat and sharp), f (flat and sharp), and g (flat and sharp). That makes a, b, c, d, e, f, g Plus the flat and sharp for each, making 21 notes of the scale.

What is the key signature for a D scale?

D major has a key signature of F sharp and C sharp D minor has a key signature of B flat