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Wolves can be killed by hunters (humans) or angry farmers, and are, with guns and traps. Some wolves can be taken down by fierce and upset buffalos, but this is very rare.

A major natural killer of wolves is bears. Bears fight wolves for food, territory, and life, as sometimes wolves may take bear cubs.

Cold winters with no food for over around 10 days can send a pack to starvation. A lack of antelopes and prey killed off by bears or rival animals, or humans can also eventually thin out the population.

The biggest threat, sadly enough is rotten humans who don't protect these animals, but instead hunt them down and kill them for fur, money, or sometimes just fun.

If you like wolves, please join my facebook group: Wolves, with the picture of the two wolves laying down with their faces looking funny. Thanks for wondering!- Malia

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Q: What kills Arctic wolves?
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Young arctic wolves are called pups.

Do Arctic wolves hunt?

Yes, Arctic wolves hunt. In the wild, Arctic wolves primarily prey on muskoxen and Arctic hares. They have also been found to prey on lemmings , Arctic foxes, birds and beetles.

Do Arctic wolves live in the Arctic?

Yes arctic wolves ( Canis lupus arctos ) and the grey wolf ( Canis lupus ) live in the arctic region.

Are Arctic wolves scientifically known as snow wolves?

No. Arctic wolves are sometimes known as Polar wolf, but the scientific name is Canis Arctos.

Do wolves eat Arctic hares?

No. To recent studies arctic wolves don't exist.

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Seals and Arctic wolves do not live in the same ecosystem. In the wild, Arctic wolves primarily prey on muskoxen and Arctic hares. They have also been found to prey on lemmings, Arctic foxes, birds and beetles.

Are wolves native to Canada?

Some wolves like gray wolves and arctic wolves are.

What kills muskox?

Arctic wolves, and humans primarily, though brown bears have also been seen to take down muskox, especially the young calves.

Do Arctic wolves need to cool off?

no, arctic wolves do not need to cool off because they have fur. fur helps all mammals keep warm. arctic wolves are mammals.

What are the similarities between the arctic fox and the arctic wolf?

Generally they are yes, but you can get waht's known as 'grey wolves' as white wolves instead. YOu find white wolves mainly in the arctic though

What do white wolves do?

Arctic wolves live in a pack, like other wolves. The alpha female has the puppies and the other wolves will feed the mother and the older pups. These wolves live in the Arctic Circle.