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Q: What kind of Chinese food does Jackie Chan eat in his movies?
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Shark fin soup Jackie Chan specifically supports anti shark fin soup charities. Jackie likes all kinds of food. FUNNY ANSWER: crembruce lee

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People who want to eat authentic Chinese food or meet Jackie Chan.

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What is Jackie Chan's favorite food?

Shark fin soup Jackie Chan specifically supports anti shark fin soup charities. Jackie likes all kinds of food. FUNNY ANSWER: crembruce lee

What does Jackie Chan hate?

Hate is a very strong word. Jackie Chan dislikes waste. He does not like people to waste water or food. He does not like to waste time.

What is Jackie Chan's Favourite Food?

Jackie Chan likes all kinds of food. Some food he has mentioned enjoying in various places - crab, rice, Indian Food (curry), hot spices (chilli), red bean soup, icecream, and chocolate.

Besides great food what other things is China known for?

Jackie Chan and Bruce lee.

What is Jackie favorite foods?

Shark fin soup Jackie Chan specifically supports anti shark fin soup charities. Jackie likes all kinds of food. FUNNY ANSWER: crembruce lee

What do Jews do on Christmas?

they go to the movies and eat Chinese food

Did Jackie Chan like school?

Well Jackie Chan never really went to school he instead went to China Drama Academy where he learned to sing, dance and learn the martial arts. But he was a natural at the martial arts. Although while he was at the Drama Academy he was often beaten when he made a mistake. While he was there he received plenty of punishment and little food. Here is a link to his biography:;col1

Who is at the top of the food Chan?

we are

Does Jackie Chan give to charity?

Jackie Chan is a keen philanthropist and a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. He works tirelessly to champion charitable works and causes. He has campaigned for conservation, against animal abuse and has promoted disaster relief efforts. He supports schools, old age homes, and homes and schools for the deaf and disabled. He has donated half his fortune to his charity. The remainder of his money has been willed to charity."Charity changed my life. You don't have to do anything big. Just do small. Very small. Do what you can. Start to impact one person." - Jackie ChanPlease use the related links to read more about Jackie Chan's commitment and dedication to charity.