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Q: What kind of a ball is made up of rubber-bands on the inside?
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Does the speed of a ball rolling down a ramp change with the kind of material from which the ball is made?

The speed at which an object falls is not affected by its weight or mass, so a solid stone ball should fall just as quickly as a hollow wooden ball. But a ball made of a rougher material could slow it down. The material of the ball should only matter if affects how smooth the ball is.

What kind of ball bounces most when dropped at hard surface?

One made of dense but highly-elastic material.

What kind of ballpoint is a ballpoint?

The ball of a ballpoint pen a small ball made out of brass, steel, or tungsten carbide. It is used in a pen as a writing utensil that provides a constant supply of ink for an even flow.

How does the fushigi work?

it is a ball that is 100% reflective. it is durable, its made of steel, a little bit of rubber, and plastic, (rubbery plastic shell protects the steel ball inside) (steel ball is hollow) it takes practice to master it, that can be achived by viewing the included Tips and Tricks DVD

How do gas particles inside a football cause pressure to be exerted on the wall of th football?

Gas is made up of lots of particles that are all flying about bouncing of anything the touch. The more pressure there is the moreparticles there. So at normal pressure outside the ball there is a normal amount of particles hitting of the outside of the ball. On the inside of the ball the pressure is higher so there are lots of particles hitting of the hinside of the ball effectively pushing it out. Hope this makes sense :)

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Do silly bands dry rot?

Yes. They are made from the same thing as rubberbands.

How do you made computer mouse ball?

The ball inside older mice - was made of a solid steel ball coated in a thick layer of rubber.

What mineral would be inside of a bowling ball?

A bowling ball is made up of a plastic outercore

What is the materials used inside a ping pong ball?

The inside of a ping pong ball is empty, and the skin is made of celluloid. A common problem is that the ball is easily dinted. To remove a dint in the ball's surface, place the ball in hot water. The air inside expands on heating and pushes the dint out.

What is a basket made out of?

some kind of rubber but not like a bouncy ball kind of rubber

What is inside of a tee ball?

A tee-ball is made out of little to no cork, rubber, stitching, and many other materials.

What is inside of a tee-ball?

A tee-ball is made out of little to no cork, rubber, stitching, and many other materials.

What kind of ball did the dude use in the big lebowski?

The dude is an avid bowler. The kind and weight of his bowling ball is never made clear.

What is the Spanish food made of potato balls with meat inside?

potato ball

What is the center of a golf ball made up of?

Most golf ball are made of plastic inside and rubber outside.

Why is a golf ball heavier than a table-tennis ball even though the balls are the same size?

Because the table-tennis ball is hollow on the inside and made of a lighter weight celluloid, while the golf ball is made of a hard outer shell of plastic with rubber compacted on the inside. The golf ball is denser, meaning it has more mass per volume (since they're the same size), so it is heavier.

Why is a golf ball heavier than a table tennis ball even though they are the same size?

A ping Pong ball has nothing inside and made of very lightweight plastic