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rianbow lorikeet

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Q: What kind of a quite parrot will get along with a LoriKeet?
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Related questions

What kind of birds is a lorikeet?

it is a parrot and it feeds on nector and soft fruits

What does a red shining parrot eat?

I am assuming you are talking about a female eclectus or Lorikeet ALL parrots need a variety of fresh fruits and veggies. No chocolate,no avocado,no alcohol of any kind. Aside form that they need pellets specific for parrots and a small amount of nuts and seeds. If this is a parrot you have "found" please report it to parrot911 it could be someone's pet.

What is the name of the Amazon parrot?

That depends on what kind of Amazon parrot you have.

What kind of bait do you use to catch parrot fish?

what kind of bait do I use to catch a parrot fish

What is a size of a parrot?

it depends on which kind of parrot they come in all sizes

What kind of nut does parrot like the most?

although they are not quite healthy for them, peanuts are normally the accepted favorite. almonds are a better choice because they provide calcium which is highly needed for a parrot as they have fragile bones. what other kinds do they eat

What kind of bird jump out of airplanes?

parrot troopers

Was Paulie a parrot or a parakeet?

He was actually a conure whitch is a kind of parrot I think

What kind of bird do you think has more of these muscles a parrot or a dove?

A parrot has more muscles.

How tall can a pet bird parrot be?

It depends what kind of Parrot you get. If you get a Tropical Islander Parrot they can grow largest to about 2 ft. I used to have a Mokking Parrot who grew about 1 ft. He was a fully grown Male Mokking Parrot.

What kind of beak does parrot have?

A parrot has a strong curved beak, specifically designed for cracking hard nuts and seeds.

What kind of parrot did Michael Jackson have?

It was a green macaw