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Q: What kind of air mass would move from the gulf of Mexico to NC?
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An air mass that comes up from the gulf of Mexico would most likely be what?

The maritime tropical air mass forms over the Gulf of Mexico.

Where does the warm moist air originate?

It originates in the Gulf of Mexico and is Martitime tropical (a kind of air mass).

What kind of air willan air mass that forms over the gulf of Mexico bring to Texas?

An air mass that forms over the Gulf of Mexico will be extremely warm and humid. This could bring the potential for heavy rains over Texas, especially inland. Otherwise, it will simply be very muggy, and unseasonably warm and humid.

What was the most likely source region for the air mass over Pennsylvania?

Gulf of Mexico

What is an mT air mass?

The mT air mass comes from the Gulf of Mexico. It stands for Maritime Tropical and brings warm and moist winds.

What land mass borders the south of the US?

There's the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Gulf of Mexico.

How is a gulf different from a sea or bay?

A bay is smaller than a gulf and a sea is larger than a gulf

Where are the source regions for the Maritime tropical air masses that affect North America?

The source region for the maritime tropical air mass originate over the warm waters of the southern Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.

What kind of weather would a continental tropical air mass that formed over northern Mexico bring to the southwestern US?

the answer is hot and dry

If an air mass forms over the Gulf of Mexico and moves northeast across Georgia What weather conditions are likely to prevail in Georgia?

ok I

An air mass forms over the gulf of Mexico and moves northeast across Georgia what weather conditions are likely to prevail in Georgia?

ok I

What kind of weather would a continental tropical air mass that formed over northern Mexico produce in the southwestern United states?

Rarely move outside their source region