

What kind of animals eat birds?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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cats and fox

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Q: What kind of animals eat birds?
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What kind of animals does a hawk eat?

They eat rodents or smaller birds.

What kind of birds eat small animals?

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What kind of animal eats birds?

snakes, humans, hawks, cats, there are a large variety of animals that eat birds.

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Snakes and birds of prey

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I don'tknowit if is all kind of animals that eat meat.

Which animals and birds eat fruits and nuts?

Most common garden and British birds eat nuts and seeds, but big birds like hawks eat small mammals such as mice and even smaller birds. Nuts are eaten by squirells and even small mammals also. Fruit can by eaten by monkeys and gorillas.

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no birds eat chicken people and animals that arent birds eat chicken chicken is good many predatory birds will eat chickens if they catch them: hawks, eagles, and falcons are a few. my cocktail eats chicken and he is cute

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Animals like squirrels and small birds that eat seeds/nuts.

What kind of animals do foxes eat?

Foxes mostly eat other animals such as rabbit, racoon, or birds and snakes. Foxes dont just eat meant like carnivores do they may also eat frogs,birds,snakes, or fish.They will eat whatever kind of animal will fit in their mouths. E.g. Mice, Rats, Squirrels, Rabbits, Birds, Small dogs, Cats etc.Sorry I had a message to improve the spelling and grammar.x

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They eat rats, birds, lizards and small animals

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vultures might eat small dogs because they pick at any dead animals they can find! yuck!

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the answer is birds